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The Bingo is a great way to get to know your colleagues

Group Size

10 - 1000



10 mins - 20 mins




Our take on the classic Bingo is a great way to getting to know your teammates. The rules can be customized for added fun and integrated with themed Happy Hours that lead to interesting conversations. This activity is ideal for new teams coming together or for distributed teams who have minimal face time with each other.

Ideal For

New teams coming together, Engaging at the organization level, Remote Teams

Key Focus Areas

  • Know Your team
  • Spark Conversations
  • Team bonding
  • Fun and Play

Why Bingo ?

Bingo is a fun way to help the team break the ice and spark rich conversations. It is a great addition to your teambuilding event and can be done in multiple formats: real time or offer a few weeks as a backdrop to the other enagagement activities


Will the bingo be done real time?
The activity has multiple delivery methods and formats. One of the formats is having the bingo done real time.
I am new to the team. How will I be able to map my colleagues to the clues?

The intent of the activity is to spark rich conversations and facilitate sharing of fun stories within the team. Post this activity, you will be able to get a deeper insight into your colleagues

Do I need to guess everything ?

The more clues you are able to crack, the more you will discover about your teammates

Can this be done for large groups ?

Yes, this can be conducted for large groups

Customer Testimonials

"This activity shed light on my colleagues and their accomplishments, even though we haven't met in-person. Definitely helped me break a few barriers"

"Got to know so much about my team and led to really good conversations post the session"